Animas Valley Farms



Calf Sales Yearly

See below for contact information.





Welcome to the XP Bar Cattle Company


This breed of cattle was officially recognized by the United States Department of Agriculture in 1940, becoming the first beef breed formed in the United States, as well as the first breed developed anywhere in the world in over a century. The origin given by the King Ranch is that is was formed by mating Brahman bulls with Beef Shorthorn cows, with the final composition being about 3/8 Brahman and 5/8 Shorthorn.

In addition to being a hardy breed, other characteristics include good milking ability,good for beef production,excellent mothering ablilty, ease of calving, high heat tolerance and parasite resistance,and an ability to turn off (sell or use for food) a steer at just about any age. The steers also show good weights for their age as well as good weight gains whether on pasture or in a feedlot.


Thanks and have a wonderful day!

Contact information: Johnny Cundiff 505-320-1294
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