CBF AGI A Bit of Intrigue- Trigger

We sold our little buckling Trigger, we will be keeping one of his little bucklings born this year out of Taffy.

Extended Pedigree

Sire: Ironwood Ranch A Good Intrigue *S
-----Ironwood Ranch SJ Pecan 2*D 2*M
SGCH (Superior Genetics Finished Champion)
-----Ironwood Ranch SJ Snickerdoodle *S*B

Dam: CBS CF SG Ammi *D
-----Piddlin Acres H Calm the Storm
-----CBF Ent's Whistlin Dixie

Intrigue's Grand Sire Esperanza MB Smarty Jones +S+*B, 2011 ADGA Elite Buck has also won his SG (Superior Genetics) award


Trigger's Sire

Ironwood Ranch A Good Intrigue *S , Intrigues Dam (Pecan) is
now a SGCH (Superior Genetics Finished Champion) see to the right for more information.

Intrigue's Pedigree
Thanks to Deana Baca from CBF Nigerians for the use of these

Superior Genetics and Elite awards are both given out by ADGA to does and bucks who have participated in the Linear Appraisal and (bucks through their progeny) 305 DHI.
Does who earn higher than 85 on their Linears and their */AR are eligible for SG while does who earn 90 + on their Linears are thrown into Elite status - that means they are in either the top 15% of their breed or top 10% of their breed.
Linear Appraisal is a program that basically compares your animals to what would be considered perfect or Ideal in a dairy goat.
They are given scores based on many things (conformation, mammary and the like) as to how they measure up.
It is basically a breeding tool that will help you to make good breeding decisions based on your scores and the strengths and weaknesses of each individual animal and what your herd goals are.

Trigger's Dam




Ammi's Pedigree
Thanks again to Deana Baca for use of photos

Sire: Piddlin Acres H Calm the Storm
-----Sire: Piddlin Acres BZ Hansel
MCH/CH Piddlin Acres PV Tansy *D

Dam: CBF Ent's Whistlin Dixie
-----Sire: CBF Entei
-----Dam: El Cerro Wind in the Willows


Thanks for visiting our website. And have a wonderful day.

Contact info: Rick and Celia Sanchez 505-215-9538

Email contact:

Website created by Celia Sanchez (Animas Web Design)